Best Things to Do in Rome

There is many ways to approach Rome. YOU can come for a sightseeing or just food tasting or shopping.

I think a combination of all of above is the key.

If YOU need an inspiration what to eat while strolling through Rome,  click here  and check out my blog – “When in Rome, eat as the Romans do!”

Also don’t be stressed that you probably wont have a chance to see everything during your stay.

Remember what the Romans say: “Even a lifetime isn’t enough to see Rome.” so no worries and stay focused on the most important thing – to enjoy whatever we doing! 🙂

The best way to see the city is to walk.

1. Colosseum


Close by is an amazing restaurant: Osterria da Checco

My tip for lunch:

pasta L’Amatriciana accompanied with a house wine.

My tip for a dinner: 

Abbacchio al forno con patate *(a roosted lamd with roasted potatoes on rosmary) and as a side dish choose Cicoria ripasssata *(which is similar to our spinach) and ask for piccante *(spicy).

2. Roman Forum

Forum Romanum

3. Vatican

A perfect plan for a rainy day. BUT because you need at least half day to see Vatican and Sistine Chapel, I wouldn’t suggest this as part of a weekend getaway.

YOU can see frescoes by Raphael and the sarcophagus of the Junius Bassus, then of course the comprehensive collection of artwork and historical pieces from throughout history.

4. St Peter’s Basilica 

A lovely church filled with an art and history and many tombs of popes.

5. Castel Sant Angelo

What a lovely place! And an amazing view from the view on Rome! YOU will definitely enjoy!

monchoparis Flickr

vie from Castello

6. Pantheon

2000 years old building and yes, it is a breathtaking! YOU can sit in one of the coffee places near by and just stare for hours, thats what I do.

All these 4 squares bellow- “piazza” YOU can easily see in 24 hours 

  • Piazza di Trevi:

7. The Trevi Fountain 

What a great advertising for Italian Lavazza coffee, I had to share this with YOU! Typical Italian elegance and style, adore it! photo by Annie Leibovitz


The largest and the most famous fountain in Rome. I always throw a coin into its water to be able to have a wish and to guarantee a return to Rome.

Because as the myth says, then all our wishes come true!

  • Piazza di Spagna:

8. The Spanish Steps


What a great place to strole around or sit on the stairs, stare at the people and just suck in the Roman atmosphere. But watch out, everywhere are a pickpockets.

  • Piazza di Navona:

9. Fountain of the Four Rivers

Piazza Navona

It was designed in 1651 by Gian Lorenzo Bernini and I think it is a pretty magical thing. The details of all statues are breath taking.

  • Piazza dei Popolo

My tip for a restaurant:

Il Brillo Parlante restaurant *( beside Hotel Valadier) 2 min walk from Piazza dei Popolo.

I would suggest L”Ammatriciana pasta and Shiraz wine, bottle should be just fine 🙂

Or pizza is a really fab here!

My tip for a take away snack: 

Porchetta – slowly roasted pork meet in the panini (a sandwich) about 5 eur and trust me, totally priceless! So delicious! YOU can buy it in the same street where the restaurant Il Brillo Parlance exists –in a small take away place. All Italians go there during their lunch break.

As a special bonus if YOU still have time:

10. Browse the Campo dei Fiori Markets

A daily morning food market, but yes, it is called a “field of flowers”. This tradition has been set since the mid-1800s. – you have to wake up early in the morning so 9 am it is!

11. Jewish Ghetto

I adore this place! What a great food and atmosphere! If YOU have a chance, go there for a dinner. The place looks absolutely magic.

Giggetto al portico d’Ottavia – My fav restaurant is the last place near by the old Roman wall. I promise anything you pick from the menu, will be delicious. The jewish style artichokes are a must!

12. Villa Borghese – Borghese Muzeum

If you have time and you would like to see an art gallery in Rome. Maybe a great plan for another rainy day.

Have fun exploring Rome and share with me any comment bellow, how did YOU enjoy your stay!

With LOVE,


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