One Lazy Italian afternoon!

Today I want to describe exactly what I see, to let YOU enjoy full on the Italian atmosphere.

It is an afternoon, I am Sitting in the port in a coffee place, drinking the Italian strong espresso. Always having with me my camera bag with all lenses to not miss any opportunity to catch the magical or fun moment.

The Sun in shining, I am regretting wearing boots and leather jacket. It is full on spring. Sea is blue, but it is a different blue than yesterday. Hard to be bored in this little village.


Watching the little waves which I love, because of them I can close my eyes and fully enjoy the sea song which is so powerful and beautiful. People lying on the beach, and I don’t think they just dropped dead from the hard life. More likely they are sleeping, because it is siesta time ” between 2-4″ usually everything is closed inc. shops, restaurants. So everybody is on the beach, or making love, sleeping or eating. What a great country. It is all about enjoying! Piacere!

We couldn’t choose in which family we were born, nor the country in which we were hatched in. But we can choose in which country we want to stay and live.
Oops my thoughts might be lost now, because a man with an accordion walked into the coffee place and took over. The sea song was immediately taken by an old Italian love song.

How anyone could be unhappy in Italy? People are so kind and fantastic! Yesterday I walked into a bakery shop when I was on the way to a post office. In the little bakery the lady gave me for free the Venice carnival cookies which she just took out from the stove and then in the Veg&fruit shop the guy gave me for free 400 g of dates.

I mean seriously, how is it possible that everyone is so kind? In my favourite coffee place the bartender is calling me “paparazzi” because as always I am looking around and taking snap shots of everything and everyone interesting. Just noticed that today in every window are hanging clothes, so Italian! I liked the t-shirt “GET LUCKY” thats exactly how I am feeling – LUCKY!


What a marvellous day! I just turned around and noticed that behind me is sitting a gentleman! His hat is in his face and under the hat he has a green sleeping-mask, the same one they give you on the plane. I guess he decided to have a power nap in the middle of a crowded coffee place!


Then I noticed 4 birds from Africa. They came here to catch some fish. I guess the waves brought the small fishes closer to the shore. I was watching them jumping in the sea, and catching a fish. What a fabulous scene from nature…I enjoyed so much! They have almost yoga moves while they were dipping in their well-formed aerodynamic bodies.


I always enjoy watching nature – people – LIFE.. So perfect and unique…I think it is great, just to be able to stop and enjoy the ride of whatever the lazy day brings! Let the day surprise YOU!

With LOVE,

Zuzi, the Witness of Italian siesta













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