Hiking in the Italian Riviera

There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. YOU never quiet know, where they will take you. – Beatrix Potter.

What a lovely walk from Camogli to San Rocco then to Punta Chiappa and for someone who likes an even longer walk ( not me 😉  LOL) even to San Fruttuoso!


Punta Chiappa is a hidden paradise! If YOU want to enjoy the most beautiful panoramic view on all of this part of the Italian Riviera, this is certainly the place to go!

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During the day you can swim, snorkel and lay upon the most beautiful little beaches, or YOU can just enjoy hiking then stop by and enjoy a pick-nic while the most colorful sunset begins to happened.

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  • by a boat
  • by foot
1. by a boat

If YOU are a lazy bum, of course YOU don’t have to walk, but you can pretty easily reach your destination by a boat. For a Time schedule click here.


2.by foot 

The best way to reach Punta Chiappa is to start your adventure from Camogli, walk up to the hill to San Rocco church.

Photos from this adventure YOU can find out in my previous blog post The Stairway to Heaven

Now I am sure YOU have realised, there are waiting for you a million stairs but if YOU conquer them, YOU will reach heaven.

So comfortable Nike’s shoes and water is a must!

The walk should take 45 minutes, but it took me forever. I walked slowly, I was taking photos with my canon camera, because the nature, the sea views and every little tiny place on the way up to San Rocco looks like a dream, so why should I rush?

Then before I start walking back, I love to be rewarded with a well deserved aperitif (*aperitivo) in San Rocco with the most stunning sunset view! The bar Muagetti is for me like an oasis in the middle of dessert .


Then if YOU get tired, YOU can take a boat back to Camogli, check out the schedule here.

If YOU enjoyed hiking and you haven’ had enough yet, you can continue and then enjoy Punta Chiappa’s beauty.

The choice of Restaurants:

Restaurant Il Mulino Da Drin 

Restaurant La Cucina di Nonna Nina – located at San Rocco

La Trattoria Do Spadin located between San Rocco and Punta Chiappa

Restaurant il Stella Maris – located in Punta Chiappa and you can also book an accomodation, which could be pretty handy, if YOU are exhausted from the walk or from the aperitif in Muagetti.


And I shouldn’t forget to mention – San Rocco is home to many cats. So don’t forget to bring some food for them, because they have been waiting for the snack!


Let me know in comments bellow, how your hiking adventure was!

With LOVE,


© All photos of me were taken by Nigel Harrison

Thank YOU Nigey! YOU rock!

I had a great time exploring this part of Liguria with YOU!

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