7 ways to become an Italian

Hello my dear Travelers!

I am just sitting in one little place directly on the sea and I would like to share with YOU another story of mine!

Are YOU excited? 😀

I was thinking what would be great to talk about and YES  – Lets talk about Italian spirit, their ways of living and being.

Because I think it is very inspiring!

Viva la Italia!

Sitting in the caffè place,  yachts and boats passing by, just like days after days in my little paradise.

Dream a little dream

7 ways of becoming an Italian

1. “Dream Big”! and don’t let anybody to spoil your dreams.

2. Drink Wine – there is always time for a wine! 🙂  Do YOU have this point already well covered? Good for YOU! LOL


3. BE OPTIMISTIC & DONT COMPLAIN nor COMPARE –  each day of your being let it be a pleasant experience, watch the world filled with colors, like YOU see it for the first time. Simply be happy at the moment! I usually do 3 things a day just for myself (such as – buying my favorite ice cream, going out for an aperitivo! 😛 And I love the fact – Italian don’t care what others are up to!

4. BE filled with a PASSION & JOY – I finally landed in a country, where they know the secret of happiness. Men usually speak about 3 important things – footbal, women and food! Lets face it, there is nothing more important in the world to talk about! 🙂

5. enjoy FOOD – Italian LOVE food and they know how to enjoy it! They eat basically all day long and they are all fit. I guess the stairs have to do something with it (in this part of Italy, everywhere are stairs). Or maybe, is it the passion? LOL


6. Be SMART – enjoy sales (2 times a year – 2nd week of January and in July – this is the time to travel to Italy to get new shoes and handbags 🙂 and book everything in advance – incl. train, flights..ect..


7. Be THANKFUL –  I am very grateful every day for every Sunset, boat going by, every tasty bite and every smile from a stranger.

I am trying to capture by having my eyes open and holding my camera still –  the specific magical moment of Italian being just for YOU!

The message of this post is quiet simple, enjoy the beauty of being and if YOU don’t like something, change it!

Because we couldn’t have chosen in which part of the world we were born, but we can choose, where we want to live and how!


What do YOU think about An Italian way of living?






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