10 Tips for Learning a Language in 8 month!

Most of my friends are asking me: “How did YOU learn another language so quickly?” Yes, I hear this question over and over!
So here I am happy to share with YOU my personal tips and tricks for how to learn a language in record time! Hope YOU will enjoy this post!

  ” There is always a gap between intention and action” – Paulo Coelho

FILL the GAP, do it now! Don’t waste a moment with excuses… the only thing holding you from action is YOU!
Everything in life depends on your priorities, when YOU want it, you will find time! Trust me!

” As many languages you know, as many times you are a human being” – T.G.Masaryk

I agree, knowing another foreigner language can be pretty handy and can open up many of life’s opportunities to YOU.

As many of YOU know – English isn’t my first language, so from my experience if YOU already know one foreign language, it is much easier to learn another. It is like knowing the learning strategy and just following it again and again by setting up the same ROUTINE!

FIND a PASSION – for being able to learn a new language, YOU have to fall in love with the process of learning! YOU have to build a hunger for knowing..

“A different language is a different vision of life” Federico Fellini.”

It is basically like building a house from bricks, you need a stable foundation to build a stable house…same with a new language – you need many words….to be able to build a language.
Now I am going to describe a STEP BY STEP STRATEGY FOR conquering any language. Sure, YOU can surround yourself with expats and keep yourself out of the local community but wouldn’t it be pretty limiting?
Wouldn’t it be sad, to not be spinning the wheel of opportunity when we can?


 Top 10 Tips for Learning Any Language!

  • 1. a LANGUAGE COURSE– I used to go 2-3 times a week for 2 hrs. It helped me with grammar and a basic knowledge but school will never teach YOU spontaneous reactions…I can already hear YOU saying that YOU have no time for going to school…well then follow nu.2!
  • 2. Join an EXPAT COMMUNITY and find EXCHANGE LANGUAGE – usually there are expat aperitif where you can exchange English-Italian or any language, just find the perfect group for YOU! While we were in Belgium for 2 months I didn’t want to stop learning, and schooling wasn’t one of my options, so I found an Italian girl – an expat living in Belgium and she gave me private classes 2 times a week for 20 euro. It was much cheaper than going to school and she used to come directly to me. So in this way I saved my time and money. But it meant, I needed to study grammar alone a lot and then during our conversation I could ask a specific questions. But it is up to you, which way you would set up your lessons. As YOU can see – if YOU want to learn, YOU will find the time – and a way! I am sure YOU have time for an aperitif for 2 hours once a week, or not?


  • 3. MEMRISE –  an online learning tool with courses. Learning on Memrise is speedy, enjoyable and lasts. I got completely addicted to the smart and fun way of learning. Check out my profile. The program forces you to write down the words, pronounces for you the way the sentences and words should be pronounced and of course not only builds up your short term memory but by repeating your vocabulary and phrases, it will finally enter your long-term memory! YAY! And to tell you the truth, I loved the fact, that every word is a flower, you need to water it every day to not forget it. This watering flowers reminded me of The Little Prince. As everything in our life that we want, we need to work for it and look after it. Same here with our memory, things needs to be repeated until you never forget! And of course human nature is competitive so we are also getting rewarded! I am now Membrain (a very high level), who would have thought! 😀 LOL
  • 4. TV & DVD’s – yes! If you don’t understand Italian TV yet, no worries. The easiest way to go is to buy DVD’s which are in your language with the possibility of Italian audio and subtitles as well. If YOU pick a movie, which you adore and already know the story, it is the best! I used to watch some movies again and again….my first movie was “LOVE for the 1st sign”. I saw it millions of times and at the end I could almost repeat all the lines….yes, pick some easy story, you need to focus just on the language..best for this are chick flicks…no brainer 😀 Then I finally conquered my way to Fellini, Woody Allen and all those really lovely movies…the key is switching Italian audio with subtitles and back to English sound.. or whatever is your first language and back again..and again….

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  • 5. TEXTBOOKS – I bought many. But my top choice is BBC and put the exercises into your iPod to be able to listen to it when you can….I usually listened on the beach or in the train….I also bought many textbooks filled with games, cross words, pexesso….just another way to make the learning process more fun and creative….
  • 6. STUDY A LOT ALONE! Every day at least for an hour!
  •  7. DOWNLOAD APPLICATION in your iPhone or to your computer – when I couldn’t fall asleep, I had an application for enlarging my vocabulary…difficult words like inutile….potabile…. I learned there…


  • 8. BUY A BOOK– I found on the market Milan, Kundera – “Immortality” and I bought the same one while I was in Prague in cz language…then I spent hours reading in Italian and then in Czech and tried to see, if I understood everything that was written…..not easy but fun! But carrying 2 books around was a pain in the a…..but even kids stories for beginning are cool…anything…..just to build up your language skills. READ LOAD! That way you are not going to cheat on yourself, I used to read those 2 books for my cat… It was our routine, bed time story for her…she is a very appreciative listener 😀

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  • 9. FIND A FRIENDS – TALK TO STRANGERS – try your best to find some opportunities to speak…go to market….try to order food, buy flowers,,,,,,,sometimes I created some fake conversation just to see if I can spontaneously react. I used to go to shops to try on clothes especially dresses to enlarge my vocabulary by asking Qs like – this dress is too small, do you have it another colour…..how much does it cost…..is this the new collection…..stupid questions, but just to be able to talk and to hear the sales assistant comments, like – it fits you well, it is really well cut…. anything…. trying dresses is always fun way to learn, right? 😀


  • 10. YOUTUBE – find Italian songs with Italian subtitles…an easy way to remember how words are written and pronounced and also to learn a lot of new vocabulary – very fun way while you singing! 🙂

Try talking to yourself out loud when YOU are alone to get used to speaking with ease..automatically and completely naturally. Get used to being able to express any thoughts…any feelings…emotions….the next and final step when YOU are almost fluent is, when YOU start having dreams in the new language, meaning the new language gets into your subconscious! And YAAAY finally!!! YOU succeeded!

So I promise, if YOU will follow all those steps in 8 months YOU will learn any language you wish!
If YOU have any personal tips for learning languages, write me a comment under this post, I am very much looking forward to your ideas!

With LOVE,




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