Fish Festival in Camogli 2018


May 11 – 13th, 2018

Sagra del Pesce – The Fish Festival in Camogli

Read more about this even on my previous blog The Fish Festival in Camogli


Friday, May 11th:

  • 7.30 pm: food stands with a typical Ligurian specialities accompanied by Live music


Saturday, May 12th:

  • 12.30 pm till 7.30 pm: gastronomic stall with Ligurian specialties – yummy!
  • 2.00pm till late: Street Market of Saint Fortunato 
  • 8.30 pm: Traditional religious procession with the ark of Saint Fortunato and crucified Christs of Genoese confraternities
  • 11.15 pm: Spettacolo Pirotecnico – The Fireworks starts!
  • 11.30 pm: Traditional bonfires organized by Porto and Pineto quarters


Sunday, May 13th: The actual Sagra del Pesce

  • 09.30 am – award ceremony of the contest “A poster for the Sagra del Pesce”
  • 10.00 am – Blessing of the fish and frying pan
  • from 10.15 am to 12.30 pm and than from 3 pm to 5.00 pm: let’s eat some fried fish!

Some final thoughts:

I used to like this event but lately it gets too crowded….therefore you might have a real difficulty to find a parking place. I would suggest arrive by train or a boat.


 © all photos by @ZuziCamogli

Please respect the copyright rules or karma is going to bite YOU! lol


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What else to say? Have fun!

With love,


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